About the community:

Your sacred space to come together with your sisters in Jesus Christ, share, connect, learn, and get inspired and challenged on your awakening journey with God's Will and Love.

God's Daughters Community

  • 1 member
  • 0 posts
  • $33.00 / month with 1 month free trial

Bonus material

Include additional content to your course curriculum to provide further value to your students.

  • Monthly Prayer and Bible Study Session

    $100 value

    We will come together for a 60 minute monthly zoom session to pray, study God's word and reflect on our experience in following His Divine Will and the Grace of being sisters in Christ.

  • Sasha's Monthly Guided Christ Teaching

    $100 value

    Every month Sasha will share a special guided lecture on a specific passage from Scripture concerning the role and divine responsibility in a woman of God.

  • Special Telegram Group!

    $100 value

    Join your sisters in our special circle on Telegram for daily inspiration and guidance in God's Word.

Start your devotional journey today

Your leader and community guide

Sasha Lipskaia

Intuitive Guide, Christian Spiritual Mentor

Sasha Lipskaia, M.A., is a Christian Spiritual coach, and facilitator to men and women, light leaders, creative souls, and fierce love warriors on a true soul-awakening journey. She is here to lead you on a mission to heal and open your heart and take responsibility for your Sacred Purpose and Power through God's Word. You can find more of Sasha's work on www.sashalipskaia.com, the Being Brave Podcast with Sasha Lipskaia, and @sashalipskaia YouTube.