You did not come for crumbs. You came to Feast.

Your 3-Month Rebirth Roadmap

Awaken. Alchemize. Ascend.

  • Initiation Month 1- DESIRE: The Descent of the Goddess

    Awakening Your Divine Feminine: Womb Healing and Intuitive Gifts

  • Initiation Month 2- DEVOTION: Sacred Rebirth Alchemy

    Healing your Heart: Releasing the Masks + Embodying Your Medicine

  • Initiation Month 3-DESTINY: The Rise of the Goddess and Meeting the Beloved

    Ascension to your Purpose and Sacred Love Union with the Divine

What you get in this 3-month Sacred Intimacy Mystery School

Trust Your Intuition, Master Your Healing Gifts, and Attract the Love you Want.

  • Learn to Love all of You as a way of Serving the Divine

  • Face and Integrate Your Shadows to reveal your Power

  • Feel and Trust your Intuitive Gifts

  • Create Safety in Your Body to Receive and Give Love

  • Experience your Pleasure as Medicine

  • Learn to trust the Divine Masculine, Cut Wounded Chords, and Create Sacred Sctructure

  • Live your Authentic, Magnetic, Erotic, Divine Feminine Power

  • Discern your Heart’s Desire from your Ego

  • Reconnect to your Womb Wisdom through a de-colonial lens

  • Use your Sexuality as a gift to the Divine

My soul invitation to you:

What will this Mystery School give you?

What does this group program include?

You will receive:

  • 12 weekly 90-minute group calls with Sasha

    $3000 value

    These will blend transmission teachings and hot seats with Q+A, intuitive channeling and coaching based on your progress and needs that week. (All of the calls will be recorded and shared with you.)

  • 12 pre-recorded experiential workshop lectures

    $1500 value

    Every week you will receive and connect to the divine feminine archetypes and depend into Tantric and embodied healing practices through energetic transmissions, mystical teachings and intuitive channeling.

  • An intimate group community space for additional support and connection

    $1000 value

    Connect, share, build relationships, get a weekly follow-up with fresh practices and resources, ask questions, and receive exclusive and intimate guidance between sessions.

Client Love

What others say about working with Sasha

“My life has absolutely been transformed. I feel like I found God. I now it sounds weird, but it’s true. I was already successful, but internally I was struggling a lot inside myself and spending a lot of time, always doing, always thinking I had to have everything figured out instead of allowing, always in my Masculine, not enough in my Feminine: receiving, and trusting flow to come through, allowing God to come through. Now, I feel like I really understand myself more than I’ve ever understood myself before how I work, how my brain works, and I feel like my true essence and the essence of God coming through me. I feel like there’s so much more peace, and I now have so much more power and faith and trust, just knowing that I’m not really alone, that I don’t have to figure things out on my own, that I have someone by my side. I feel that I really found my voice and stepped into my powerful message, in the process and I became a better leader for myself and for my family, my husband. To say that my wife has changed would be an absolute understatement because it’s really bigger than I can even put into words, and I feel so so grateful for Sasha and her wisdom. I feel like she is truly like a superwoman; she likes the truth of you and brings so much magic to the work that she does. She is really with you and great at listening and supporting you and just giving you the absolutely perfect words that come to her and the perfect moment like she knows exactly what to say and exactly how to guide you. It’s really just incredible, and I really would not hesitate for a moment, and investing in working with her.”

Fabi Paolini

“Her work is sacred. I would bypass others in the future to continue working with her. I felt seen, valued, safe and cared for in our sessions. Sasha practices what she preaches, walks the walk and talks her truth, and encourages you to find your walk and truth too. There is so much love from this woman and you couldn't leave your time with her without feeling like a warm hug hasn't found you.”

Melanie Anderson

“It is difficult to articulate concisely the impact that working with Sasha has had on my life. It has been profound and surprising and restored my sense of hope and personal power in ways I couldn’t have previously imagined. Transformative. Sasha is such a clear and open channel and it’s impossible to be in her presence in any capacity without being elevated by her. She is a guide on the path towards a heart-centered, authentic and empowered existence in a culture where we are completely cut off from these sources of wisdom that we so desperately need and long for. My life has become unrecognizable, in the best possible way, and I would warmly extend to anyone my encouragement to accept the gift that is co-creating with her. ”

Taylor Holmes

“Sasha Lipskaia changed my life. When I met her, I had been feeling stuck in my business (and my life) for a very long time.  In fact, I completely broke down in tears of desperation on a coaching call that she was leading;something I’d never done before. Long before I had rebuilt any sense of confidence, or even hope, Sasha saw and spoke of so much more in me and my potential than I was able to grasp, and held a loving space for me both during and between our sessions that was the miracle for growth my soul required. She guided me to find a deep hidden rage I needed to understand and work with, her channeled work giving me the exact perfect tools for insights and self-healing, both during and between sessions.  She was there for all my meltdowns, break throughs and wins. I grew profoundly and continue to grow because of our time together.   If you’re stuck.  If you need soul level guidance.  If you’re ready for new level of relationship with your being and potential, and to be held, with love, through all of it, I wholeheartedly recommend Sasha. ”

Sue Begent

“She is not afraid of the chaos that the declaration of your truth may cause in your life, and her lack of fear shines light in the darkness and makes the upheaval feel bearable. She (Sasha) holds you in the fullness and truth of your power, never seeing you as anything less than who your wildest dreams have declared you to be. She holds you to it, knowing that it is nothing short of your medicine.”

Gwendolyn Kuhlmann Reid

“Sasha has a Gift of creating magic with her words and taking you to different realms that you cannot even imagine in your current reality, and at the same time, she does it authentically, which is very rare. If you are in that process of going deep, very deep into your own soul, into your own Essence, if you are in that process of finding you are authentic, you are not going to register to work with Sasha; you are going to love it.”

Jen Mendizabal

Your guide

Sasha Lipskaia

Intuitive Guide, Christian Spiritual Mentor

Sasha Lipskaia, M.A., is a Christian Spiritual coach, and facilitator to men and women, light leaders, creative souls, and fierce love warriors on a true soul-awakening journey. She is here to lead you on a mission to heal and open your heart and take responsibility for your Sacred Purpose and Power through God's Word. You can find more of Sasha's work on, the Being Brave Podcast with Sasha Lipskaia, and @sashalipskaia YouTube.

As seen in:

Your 3-month Sacred Intimacy Mystery School Roadmap (Doors open in November 2025)

Initiation Month 1: The Descent of the Goddess.

Divine Feminine Embodiment 

Re-claim your sexual power, release shame, cultivate safety to feel pleasure, and recall pieces of your soul.

  • Intuitive development

  • Kundalini activation

  • Womb Awakening

  • Wounded / toxic chord cutting

  • Inner child, witch wound, and sacred whore healing, ancestral line work.

Goddesses we will be working with: Lilith, Kali, Isis, and Medusa.

Initiation Month 2: The Underworld Goddess Awakening and Sacred Rebirth

Sacred Sexuality and Healing with your Dark Goddess Medicine: 

Meet and honor your heart's true needs and sacred desires.

  • Discover your survival archetypes (Victim, Saboteur, Prostitute, Wounded Child) and start integrating their shadows.

  • Reveal your Power Archetypes: Warrior, Magician, Lover, Medicine Woman/Witch.

  • Pleasure practices, kinks, soul-mate and twin flame energy, and dark Feminine and Masculine polarity and sexuality. 

  • Learn how to harness and master your sexual energy and sacred boundaries through the power archetypes of Dark Feminine Medicine.

Goddesses we will be working with: Kali, Persephone, Hecate, Isis, and Lalita.

Initiation Month 3: The Rise of the Goddess and Meeting the Beloved.

Revealing Your Intuitive Gifts and Purpose through Sacred Activism and Tantric Love with the Divine Masculine

  • Cultivate your capacity to invite, trust, and unite with the Masculine and develop a healthy intimacy and polarity bond in yourself and your partnerships.

  • Sacred sexuality, Kundalini awakening, and spiritual/somatic pleasure training to evoke, nurture, balance, and transmit the Divine Feminine and Masculine energy.

  • Clarify your vision and build a healthy way to channel your Divine Feminine gifts into the Divine Masculine structure.

  • Take sacred responsibility for your power and purpose by embodying the Medicine Woman, Dark Mother, Queen, Love Warrior, and Activist Leader so that you can have the capacity to offer true healing to those who need your medicine in the world.

Goddesses we will be working with: Kali, Persephone, Isis, Lalita, Mary Magdalene, and Lilith.

*** Certain curriculum elements are subject to change in response to the particular needs of the group and individual participants as we journey together.

Pricing options

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Text & media

Giving Back and Sacred Activism.

10% of all proceeds from this program will be donated to P+OPS, the Pencticton Overdose Prevention Society in the Okanagan area of British Columbia.

You can find out more about O+OPS and their work and mission here.

It is critical that we can all contribute to those who need us through this inner work we get to do.

I have been privileged to be doing this work and have had such success and support my whole life.

I am humbled to know it is time to serve deeper.

I am honored to team up with P+OPS.

Bless you, and may we all Rise in Our Light through our Darkness together as we learn to Love and serve ourselves and each other better.

The Immersion Begins: Fall 2024

Join us in this exclusive experience now

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  • 00 Minutes
  • 00 Seconds


  • When are the group calls, and how important are they?

    The weekly live group guidance and practice calls will occur every Tuesday at 11 AM PST/2 PM EST, starting on the 28th of May, 2024, for 12 consecutive weeks. You can, of course, miss a few calls, and replays will be available for everyone to enjoy on their own time. It is, however, advisable to come to as many calls as you can to truly integrate and deepen into the work, receive my support and contribute to the community journey, and build relationships with your fellow medicine women. You are also encouraged to ask for support and share your questions in our group forum, which I will be consistently present in, and I will always respond and support you through that space, especially if you cannot come to all of the calls.

  • I am worried to be seen on group calls. What if I shut down?

    It is exactly for that reason that the community will be there- my work is to hold you in a safe space where you feel seen and are progressing in a way that is realistic and feels good to you while being challenged to go deeper. You will never be asked to do or share anything you feel uncomfortable with. All calls will remain private and will never be shared outside of our container.

  • How much time do I need to allocate for this mystery school? I am very busy!

    This program is meant to support your life, and the aim is to offer you a holistic structure (the Divine Masculine:) to support your inspiration, lifestyle, responsibilities, desires, and creative energy flow (the Divine Feminine). It is by no means designed to overwhelm you. Only to offer you more space to receive and a better quality of your life-force energy to do what you really want. To truly benefit from the teachings/experiences and embody your evolution throughout the 12 weeks, anywhere between 2 and 3 hours a week would be perfect. Some weeks, it might be less, and some weeks, you might want to offer yourself more space to practice and go deeper into the work. Our group calls are also meant to offer you additional support and nourishment, as does our online community space. Having a loving tribe and accountability for the inner work you are choosing to devote yourself to with this immersion will give you even more structure for the program to serve you. Our live calls will run between 60 and 90 minutes every week (to make sure everyone gets the support they need), and the weekly lectures will range between 30 and 60 minutes. Other than that, your daily personal practice, which will build together, will require between 20-30 minutes a day.

  • Are there any refunds for this course?

    There will be no refunds offered for this course.

  • How long can I access the course for? Can I repeat it?

    It is yours to keep and enjoy, for the lifetime of the program. You are invited and encouraged to revisit the lectures and the calls to deepen into the mysteries as you integrate what you receive. You can keep returning to the resources that will serve you long after our container is complete. When this program runs live again, you can join the next group cohort at a singificantly reduced price to benefit from additional coaching and deeper immersion into the work.